Trio Unio
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Young Sun Choi (Piano, Republic of Korea) / Eunji Kim (Violin, Republic of Korea) /
Ah-Yeon Nam (Violoncello, Republic of Korea)
Trio Unio is a piano trio based in South Korea.This group is made up of violinist Eunji Kim, cellist Ah-Yeon Nam, and pianist Young Sun Choi, and organized in February of 2021.
The Latin word ‘unio’ means ‘unite,’ or ‘ combine into one,' which corresponds to their musical goal: to perform and sound as a united, single ego.
The members of Trio Unio share the same educational background by graduating from the same music schools: Yewon School, Seoul Arts High School, and Seoul National University.
All three members have been studying further in different countries: Korea, the USA, and Germany.
They were awarded 2nd prize at "Franz Schubert and Modern Music" International Chamber Music Competition in 2022, and Prix D’Honneur at Concours International Leopold Bellan in 2021.
Photos: Hoon Min Jin and The Schubidu Quartet
Member competition (linked): First Prize percussions 2016
Member competition (linked): First Prize percussions 2016