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Advertise with WFIMC.
Presenting an impressive network of most major international competitions worldwide, the World Federation of International Music Competitions offers superb advertising and marketing opportunities through its print media, online channels and social media. Promote your company, agency, organisation, festival or school to an international audience in 40 countries!
Our audience consists mainly of musicians (54% in the 18-34 age bracket), music lovers, instrument buyers, music-related media, festivals, universities and their music schools, performance venues, agencies and governmental organisations. According to google analytics, the top 5 countries of WFIMC website visitors are the USA, Germany, France, South Korea and Japan.
The current website has been designed by the award-winning Swiss web design company TWKS and is in the process of expanding its contents and reach. A new web archive, to be completed during this year, will greatly enhance the site and create a much larger audience.
Expanding as well is the WFIMC yearbook, now in full color and available both online, on Isuuu and in hardcover. All member competitions are represented in the yearbook and advertisements can be specifically placed in a certain geographical or instrumental context. Deadline for new advertisements in the yearbook is November 1; the online versions being published in December and the print version released in January.
Please contact us at fmcimfmcim.org for more information and media data.
Feel free to write to us in English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Japanese and Korean.
fmcimfmcim.org (Contact us now)