Paris - Concours Long-Thibaud

The Long-Thibaud Competition was created more than 80 years ago by the renowned pianist Marguerite Long to whom Maurice Ravel dedicated his concerto in G and by the no less famous violinist Jacques Thibaud. 


2025: Piano

2026/ Violin

The Long-Thibaud Competition has been presided over or directed by illustrious personalities such as Yehudi Menhuin, Louis Joxe, Martha Argerich, Kurt Mazur, Daniele Gatti, Roland Faure, Raymond Gallois-Montbrun, Nelson Freire, Bruno Leonardo Gelber and today Boris Berezovsky. 

The Long-Thibaud Competition has contributed to making these artists legends during their lifetimes, faithful to its noble aims: promoting talents, transmitting the love of music to young people, facilitating their careers, their tours, contributing to their international reputation. Such is the vocation of the Long-Thibaud. The laureates receive exceptional prizes: financial support, recording opportunities, concert proposals, instrument loans as well as worldwide visibility thanks to the generous encouragement of patrons and sponsors. These artists are accompanied in their international ascension within the professional musical world.




Fondation Long-Thibaud
Alexandre Post
32 avenue Matignon
75008 Paris

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Kenji Miura (Japan), 1st Prize/Piano, 2019

Diana Tishchenko (Ukraine), 1st Prize/Violin, 2018

Julian Trevelyan (UK), 1st Prize/ Violin, 205

Allen Pritchin (Russia), 1st Prize/ Violin, 2014

Solenne Laidassi (France), 1st Prize/ Violin, 2010

Hibiki Tamura (Japan), 1st Prize/Piano, 2007