Besançon - International Competition for Young Conductors
Established in 1951 by the Besançon Music Festival, the Besançon Competition soon became the most prestigious event of its kind. It took place every year until 1992, and thereafter every two years.
The Besançon Competition is open to all artists under 35 who wish to become professional conductors, whatever their training or their experience ; no previous diploma is required. The Besançon Competition is the only one where candidates are not selected on their documentation (neither biography nor videos) but during live auditions.
With a repertoire which spans classical, Romantic, 20th century, and contemporary music, as well as oratorio, oper, the Besançon Conducting Competition is the most complete competition in the world.

This biennial French conducting competition for those aged 35 and under is part of the Besançon International Music Festival and puts its candidates through their paces with a wide repertoire ranging from classical to contemporary, including concerto and opera. Conductors are chosen not based not on existing diplomas or training but through live pre-selections for 275 candidates, organized in different cities around the world, which will take place from 14 April to 3 May 2025 in Berlin, Montreal, Paris, Besançon and in one Asian city to be determined later. The final rounds of the competition will be held in Besançon from 22 to 27 September 2025. Application Due is in January 2025 (dates to be announced).
The Grand Prix has : €12,000, Advice and coaching, professional integration and a prestigious LIP watch. The audience is called to vote to award the “Coup de cœur du public” (audience’s favorite). Musicians of the orchestra of the Final are also be called to vote to designate the “Coup de cœur de l’orchestre” (orchestra’s favorite). The jury can also award a Special Mention endowed with €3,000.
The competition opens 275 places per edition: applications close as soon as the seating limit is reached.
PRELIMINARY ROUNDS: Candidates have to perform during live auditions behind closed doors which take place on three continents: Asia, America (Canada) and Europe (Germany and France). During this preliminary rounds, behind closed doors, the candidates will be asked to conduct symphonic works played by two pianists at two pianos, in front of two members of the jury.
FINAL ROUNDS: At the end of the preliminaries, twenty candidates will be admitted to the final rounds with orchestra from 22 to 27 September and in public, which will take place during the 78th Besançon International Music Festival. All of the rounds with orchestra are open to the public and all works are imposed. The candidates will either be asked to conduct entire pieces or excerpts, or to rehearse the artists under their musical direction, according to their interpretation or at the jury’s request.
Advice and coaching : Since 2015, the Competition decided to offer the laureate a three-month period of artistic guidance with Aimée Paret, specialized in consulting and accompaniment of young chefs. The goal is to take the time to take stock with the winner on its strengths and potential weaknesses, establish a career strategy, select an artistic agency and possibly negotiate the contract.This accompaniment is fundamental for the spotlight of the Grand Prix of Besançon is a career stepping stone.
Professional integration: the laureate may also be offered hires with partner orchestras (see below) - a LIP watch offered by our partner - an Ipad offered by our partner Newzik (Music reading solution) “Coups de cœur” and mention: The audience attending the Final is called to vote to award the “Coup de cœur du public” (audience’s favorite). Musicians of the orchestra of the Final are also be called to vote by secret ballot to designate the “Coup de cœur de l’orchestre” (orchestra’s favorite). The jury can also award a Special Mention endowed with €3,000.
INSTITUTIONAL PARTNERS - Ministère de la culture et de la communication / DRAC Franche-Comté - Ville de Besançon - Conseil Régional Bourgogne – Franche-Comté - Conseil Départemental du Doubs - Central Conservatory of Music, Beijing - Conservatoire de musique de Montréal - Institut Français, Berlin - École Normale de musique Alfred Cortot, Paris - Conservatoire à rayonnement régional du Grand Besançon - With support of the Caisse des Dépôts, sponsor of the Competition.
Festival de musique
Elodie Farges
2, rue Morand
25000 Besançon