Arvid Fagerfjäll & Hikaru Kanki

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Baritone: Arvid Fagerfjäll (Sweden, 1991)

Piano: Hikaru Kanki (Japan, 1993)


Arvid Fagerfjäll

For the Season 2021/2022 Arvid Fagerfjäll will debut at the Theater Aachen in the German Premiere of Belle et La Bete by Philip Glass and at the Theater für Niedersachsen in the Merry Widow by Johann Strauss. During his studies Arvid Fagerfjäll performed in roles such as Schaunard (La Boheme), music teacher (Ariadne auf Naxos) and Hans Scholl (fellow students!). Arvid Fagerfjäll obtaioned his education in Germany, Sweden and Italy in the Conservatories CdM Firenze, HMT Leipzig and HMTM Hannover, where he is attending the Solo Performance Class as of 2020. Important voice coaches for Arvid Fagerfjäll include KS Prof. Regina Werner-Dietrich, Professor Peter Anton Ling and Monica Thomasson. Defining artistic influences were received from among others Prof. Jan-Philip Schulze, Peter Berne and Philip Moll. Arvid Fagerfjäll has taken part in numerous International Lied competitions and won the first prize of the IVC s'-Hertogenbosch Lieduo competition of 2021. He is also a participant in the Udo Reinemann International Masterclasses and has received the Larsén-Todsen scholarship administered by the Swedish Royal Music Academy.


Hikaru Kanki

Hikaru Kanki was born in Japan in 1993. She took piano lessons from Motoko Toyoda, Kimiko Higuchi and Noriyuki Miyazawa. Since 2012 she has been studying at the Hannover University of Music, Drama and Media with Prof. Roland Krüger, where she completed her Bachelor and Master degree with the highest marks. Apart from her solo studies, Hikaru is also working with Prof. Jan Phillip Schulze for song interpretation. Starting from 2019 she is studying her post graduate and Master of Lied Interpretation and had the honor to premiere Alfred Koerppen's and Manfred Trojahn's art songs in Hannover. Among other things she performed in Sommerliche Musiktage Hitzacker and Liederfest at HMTMH. She was 1st Prize winner at the International “Lia Tortora” Competition in Italy. She won in 2018 the 1 Prize at the International Helmut Deutsch Lied Competition in Vienna and at “19. Maritim Music Prize” for the best pianist. Hikaru received both the 2nd Prize and Audience Prize at the International Lake Constance Competition.

